Sunday, September 30, 2007

Looking Back - The Family

“The family is not only the first environment of the child, it is also his first school, where he receives his basic education; his first church, where he is taught his first and foundational lessons concerning God and life; his first state, where he learns the elements of law and order and obeys them; and his first vocation, where the child is given work to do, and responsibilities in terms of it. The essential world for a small child is the family; his father and mother in particular.”

~ R. J. Rushdoony


Ginger said...

With family being the cornerstone and Christ at the head, a child is fully equipped to face life's many challenges. Great blog. Love you. Aunt Ginger

Ginger said...

Forgot to need to add Katrina and Noah to your family blog site "Grin". Your family grew faster than the blog site..You are now once again grounded from Great Skate! LOL