Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Kaila’s Birthday

My oldest daughter has turned 16 (on May 1st). Wow, it seems like I was just 16. Life is like a bolt of lightning, it comes and it goes. I use to say that Kaila was our best kid and she was our worst kid. I think that’s just because she had so much energy and life and personality and boldness and compassion and maturity and generosity and spirit. I no longer say that. She is now characterized by her good qualities. I know pride is not a good thing but I am so proud of her. She has such a passion for truth and a deep interest for people. I use to worry about her, now I trust in her. I thank God for the awesome privilege and blessing of being her dad. Kaila has been a firecracker through the years but now she just needs to be celebrated with firecrackers. I love how she is gaining a deep desire and a passion for the deep truths of God. I’ve been calling her up to a higher standard for years and now, it seems, at times she calls me to a higher standard.

One of the things I appreciate, and thank God for, is that I never feel disrespected by her. She honors her father and respects what I say. I love teaching her and she loves learning from me. I have always looked forward to the time when my kids were her age but I never expected that they would be as wonderful as she is. It's never easy for an oldest child. She is put in charge so many times and still expected to not be bossy. She has the difficult task of being in charge and not being in charge in different situations all the time. We tell her to be responsible and then we tell her to not be bossy. Life is never easy for an oldest child. Kaila is going to be an excellent wife, some day, and she is definitely a virtuous woman, just like her mother. I couldn't have imagined a kid, in my mind, as good and as amazing as Kaila. I thank God for such an awesome daughter and I appreciate, every day, the privilege of being her father.

I love you Kaila, Happy Birthday!



Kaila Anderson said...

Thanks Dad.
But I wouldn't be me if it weren't for you. I would be a head strong, rebellious girl, if it weren't for you. You always train me and teach me, you always correct me when I say something out of place, you always get my theology right, and help me with all me apologetics cards. You are the most wonderful dad any girl can ask for.
I love you so much!!!

Dottie, Grandma Dot or Mom said...


You made me cry. I agree with you on Kaila as I am so proud of her also and am so happy to be both your Mom and Kaila's Grandma Dot. She was our very first grandchild and these 16 years have been such a joy to us and our whole family. You have done a wonderful job raising her.
