My Thanksging List of What I'm Thankful For...
I'm Thankful:
- For past times, present times and the end of time
- For trials behind me around me and ahead of me
- For victories won and victories lost
- For excitement and disappointment
- For doors opened after knocking and for finding after seeking
- For phases of fortune and phases of failure
- For pleasures and for pains
- For tears of laughter and tears of sorrow
- For struggles, stress and suffering
- For jolly, joy and joking
- For vocals and instruments
- For festival and festivity
- For quiet times and tranquility
- For fantasy, fiction, story and legend
- For history, reality, biography and life
- For big things and small things
- For friends and for family
- For fathers of the faith, founding fathers, my father and future fathers
- For my grandmothers, my mother and my children’s mother
- For stepping stones and a full quiver
- For ancient landmarks and the land of promise
- For the land of the free and the home of the brave
- For patriotism and patriots
- For a loving wife to live with and to love
- For rest, recreation and relaxation
- For energy, entertainment and exertion
- For feast, food and fun
- For cottage cheese, fettuccine alfredo, scalloped and stuffed potatoes, cheese omelets and filet mignon
- For celebration and moderation
- For balance and extreme
- For spontaneity and for sameness
- For change and for custom
- For reform and ritual
- For technology and tradition
- For holidays, Sabbath days and work days
- For old school and new school
- For silence and for singing
- For drinks and for drinking
- For waking and for sleeping
- For intellectual language of the head and poetic language of the heart
- For right brain and left brain
- For sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch
- For sex and the sexes
- For roles and responsibility
- For intimacy and familiarity
- For indoor plumbing, electricity, high-speed internet, laptops, iPhones and inventions
- For showers, insulation, carpet, beds, couches, dining tables and bathrooms
- For refrigerators and ovens
- For transportation and communication
- For digital and paper
- For discipline and discipleship
- For authority and submission
- For shepherds and for sheep
- For new books and old books
- For new beer and old wine
- For new life and old wisdom
- For creation and creativity
- For old paths and future trails
- For light and for darkness
- For sunny days and starry nights
- For the galaxies, constellations, sun, moon and stars
- For mountains, trees, oceans, deserts, sunsets and streams
- For things only seen in a microscope and things only seen in a telescope
- For the bottom of the oceans and for the top of the mountains
- For campfires and camping
- Leisure and luxuries
- For past memories and future maybes
- For the destination and the drive there
- For life and living
- For liberty and Law
- For God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility
- For unconditional election, undeserved grace, unwarranted mercy and unmerited favor
- For getting what I don’t deserve and for not getting what I do deserve
- For predestination and free will
- For being chosen and choosing
- For the cross and for the crown
- For being fearfully and wonderfully made
- For the great and faithful cloud of witnesses that lead me through the wilderness of the future unknown
- For covenantal blessings and covenantal cursings
- For fiery trials and the fires of hell
- For covenant church membership and church members
- For unity and diversity
- For the ancient and venerable triad of truth, goodness and beauty
- For theology, philosophy, theonomy, ecclesiology and eschatology
- For Calvinism, Presuppositionalism and Postmillennialism
- For love – storge, philia, eros and agape
- For orthodoxy and orthopraxy
- For the Lion and the Lamb
- For lost hope and a living hope
- For the bread and for the wine; for the Body and for the blood
- For miraculous gifts and ordinary gifts
- For God’s transcendence and His gracious immanence
- For God’s incredible otherness and His intimate oneness
- For God’s sovereign providential and caring hand in history
- For the King’s throne and the King’s table
- For the Golden Chain of Salvation and the Golden Rule of Sanctification
- For an all-powerful God who forgives and an all-knowing God who forgets
- For corporate worship and the private prayer closet
- For liturgy where God calls us, cleanses us, consecrates us, communes with us and commissions us.
- For Old Testament types and shadows that tell of the ChristFor the myriad of promises to Israel fulfilled in Christ
- For the Old Covenant and the New Covenant
- For Creeds and Confessions
- For the inerrant, infallible and inspired Word of God
- For God the Father, for God the Son and for God the Holy Spirit